Watercolour Wednesday — Scotchy scotch scotch.

Yes, more scotch! My husband asked me to do this one as a reference for a post that he is doing on his blog and since I had, once again, left my watercolour for Wednesday’s post until late Tuesday night and hadn’t a clue what to paint, I thought it was a great idea. Then he cunningly got me fired up to paint by saying that he would take a photo of the bottle as well “Just in case…” Just in case what?? Just in case mine sucked?! GAH! So the result was that I had a really good painting night. Plus, who doesn’t love scotch? It’s really pretty and it warms the cockles of your heart on a cold winter night :)

Note: if you get out your bottle of Ileach scotch, you will notice that the label is actually a bit longer than what I’ve painted. That’s down to me painting a bit (too?) quickly from life and (rashly?) never sketching it out beforehand. One day I aspire to be a master at painting quickly from life without ever sketching it out beforehand.

5 thoughts on “Watercolour Wednesday — Scotchy scotch scotch.

  1. Loooove it! I like how the label is like a mini watercolour painting within a painting. It’s really beautiful! Also loving the reflections on the bottle top. Beautiful work!

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